Unveiling the Global Environment Facility’s Impact
exploratory data analysis
Olamide Adu
May 28, 2024
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), a partnership between the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), plays a critical role in empowering developing countries to tackle pressing environmental issues. By providing both financial resources and technical expertise, the GEF supports these nations in implementing sustainable development practices that benefit the planet.
This analysis delves into the GEF’s work, aiming to uncover insights through exploratory data analysis. We’ll explore key aspects like:
Identifying GEF Agencies: This will involve pinpointing the different entities involved within the GEF’s structure.
Funding Trends: We’ll analyze trends in the total funds associated with the GEF, revealing how resources have evolved over time.
GEF Agency Contributions: This analysis will investigate the financial contributions of each agency to the GEF’s mission.
Focus Area Spending: We’ll assess how much funding has been allocated to the GEF’s core areas of focus (e.g., climate change, biodiversity).
Top Recipient Countries: This exploration will identify the countries receiving the highest total project funding.
Continental Funding Distribution: We’ll examine the top 3 funded countries within each continent, providing a more granular perspective.
Capacity Building Investment: We’ll estimate the resources invested in building the capacity of developing countries to address environmental challenges.
Project Status: This analysis will categorize projects based on their completion status (cancelled, approved, completed), revealing project success rates.
Project Spending by Size and Stage: We’ll investigate how funding is distributed across projects of different sizes and stages (e.g., enabling activity and so on).
Total Funds Per GEF Replenishment Period: This analysis will explore how much funding was available during each GEF replenishment cycle. The GEF operates on a cycle where donor countries pledge contributions every four years. Examining trends in total funds across these periods can reveal changes in donor commitment and resource availability for the GEF’s work.
Pinpoint the Single Most Funded Project: This investigation will identify the individual project that has garnered the highest total funding from the GEF.
all_funds <- gef |>select(gef_grant, countries, cofinancing) |>replace_na(list(gef_grant =0,cofinancing =0 ) ) |>mutate(total_amount = gef_grant + cofinancing,.keep ="unused" ) |>summarize(.by =c(countries),total_amount =sum(total_amount) ) |>separate_longer_delim(cols = countries,delim ="," ) |>mutate( # This block of code is needed to find the average for countries which have beencountries =str_trim(countries), # grouped together during a funding round.by = total_amount,fund_amount = total_amount/n(), ) |>summarize(.by =c(countries),total_amount =sum(fund_amount) ) |>arrange(countries)fund_countries <- all_funds |>filter(!countries %in%c("Global", "Africa", "Asia/Pacific","Europe and Central Asia", "Latin America and Caribbean","Regional" ) )fund_region <- all_funds |>filter( countries %in%c("Global", "Africa", "Asia/Pacific","Europe and Central Asia", "Latin America and Caribbean" ) )
Show the code
countries <-list.files(path ="countries/svg", full.names =TRUE)country_logo =tibble(logo = countries[str_detect(countries, "ch|in|me|br|ph|vn|id|za|/ng|pe")])
Show the code
fund_countries |>slice_max(total_amount, n =10) |>arrange(countries) |>bind_cols(country_logo) |>mutate( # This block ensures countries matches their logo by replacing them with abbrlogo =case_when(str_detect(logo, "id") ~str_replace(logo, "id", "in"),str_detect(logo, "in") ~str_replace(logo, "in", "id"),str_detect(logo, "vn") ~str_replace(logo, "vn", "za"),str_detect(logo, "za") ~str_replace(logo, "za", "vn"),.default = logo ) ) |>relocate(logo, .before = countries) |>arrange(desc(total_amount)) |>mutate(total_amount =round(total_amount/1e9, 2)) |>gt() |>cols_label(logo ="",countries ="Country",total_amount ="Funds (Billion)" ) |>fmt_image(columns = logo, width =30, height =30 ) |>fmt_currency(columns = total_amount ) |>tab_header(title ="Top Funded countries with involving the GEF",subtitle ="Funds can be by GEF, National Government and other interested parties" ) |>gt_theme_538()
Table 2: Top 10 most funded countries
Top Funded countries with involving the GEF
Funds can be by GEF, National Government and other interested parties
Funds (Billion)
Viet Nam
South Africa
Most Funded Countries in Each Continent
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continent <- codelist |>select(continent, country.name.en)fund_countries <- fund_countries |>left_join(continent, join_by(countries == country.name.en))europe <-c("Bosnia-Herzegovina", "Czech Republic", "Kosovo","Russian Federation", "Slovak Republic", "Türkiye")africa <-c("Cabo Verde", "Congo", "Congo DR", "Cote d'Ivoire","Sao Tome and Principe")asia <-c("Korea DPR", "Kyrgyz Republic", "Lao PDR", "Myanmar", "Palestinian Authority", "Republic Of Korea","Republic Of Korea", "Viet Nam")americas <-c("Antigua And Barbuda", "St. Kitts And Nevis","St. Vincent and Grenadines", "Trinidad and Tobago")oceania <-c("Timor Leste", "Micronesia")fund_countries <- fund_countries |>filter(countries !="Yugoslavia") |>mutate(continent =case_when( countries %in% europe ~"Europe", countries %in% africa ~"Africa", countries %in% asia ~"Asia", countries %in% americas ~"Americas", countries %in% oceania ~"Oceania",.default = continent ) )
Show the code
fund_countries |>group_by(continent) |>slice_max(total_amount, n =3) |>ungroup() |>mutate(continent =str_to_upper(continent),total_amount =round(total_amount/1e6, 2) ) |>gt(groupname_col ="continent") |>tab_header(title ="Top Funded GEF (Co)Financed Countries per Continent" ) |>cols_label(countries ="Country",total_amount =" Funds Received (millions)" ) |>fmt_currency(columns = total_amount ) |>gt_theme_538()
Table 3: Top Funded Countries Per Continent
Top Funded GEF (Co)Financed Countries per Continent
This exploratory data analysis has provided valuable insights into the Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) work and impact. By examining various aspects like funding trends, project focus areas, and recipient countries, we’ve gained a deeper understanding of how the GEF tackles global environmental challenges. The findings presented here is limited to the data provided. Limitations included is not limited to:
difficulty stating who the specific donor nations are
difficulty showing how funds were transferred from each replenishment period
Project investment income
Success of projects, especially for the completed ones.